Mid-Winter Sacred Solstice

midwinter solstice sunrise

At this time of sacred cosmic alignment, we find ourselves at the threshold of a profound shift in energy.  The solstice is a potent portal, allowing us to delve into the depths of our being and find clarity about our path forward.

Symbolically, the winter solstice represents the triumph of light over darkness. Just as the sun begins its ascent, slowly reclaiming the sky, we too are encouraged to awaken the dormant light within us. It is a time of renewal, when the seeds of transformation take root within our hearts and minds. We are invited to release what no longer serves us, to shed the layers of old patterns and beliefs, and to embrace the infinite possibilities that lie before us.

Rituals and practices that honour the winter solstice are like whispers of the universe, sharing its wisdom to guide us on our journey of inspiration, empowerment, and transformation.

Here are three such rituals that you’re free to adapt and personalise to suit yourself.


Ritual of Sacred Darkness:

– create a sacred space in your home or a natural setting.
– Dim the lights or use candlelight to symbolize the primordial darkness of the Solstice.
– Breathe deeply and surrender to the stillness and silence.
– Reflect on the past year, acknowledging the challenges and lessons that have shaped your path.
– Journal your insights, fears, dreams, and aspirations. As you do, visualize the spark of light within you, knowing that it will grow brighter with each passing day.


Elemental Purification:

Harness the power of the four elements—earth, air, fire, and water—to purify and release stagnant energies.
Begin by connecting with the Earth element. Take a nature walk and collect natural items like stones, leaves, or feathers, that catch your eye.
Bring them into your sacred space and create an altar or mandala that represents the grounding energy of the earth.

Next, light incense or a smudge stick to honour the Air element. Allow the fragrant smoke to purify the space, envisioning it clearing away negativity and stagnant energy.

For the Fire element, light a candle and engage in a fire-gazing meditation.
As you focus on the flame, visualize it transmuting any limitations or obstacles into pure potentiality.

Finally, connect with the Water element by taking a ritual bath or immersing yourself in a body of water. As you cleanse yourself, imagine the water washing away old patterns and emotions, leaving you refreshed and renewed.


Ritual of Intentions and Manifestation:

The winter solstice is a potent time for setting intentions and manifesting your desires.
– Begin by creating a quiet and sacred space, lighting candles, and surrounding yourself with objects that inspire and uplift you.
– Take a moment to ground yourself through deep breathing and meditation.
– Then, reflect on the lessons and growth you have experienced throughout the year.
– As you connect with your inner wisdom, set clear intentions for the coming six months. Write them down on a piece of paper, infusing them with as much feeling as you can.
– Place this intention paper in a special box or envelope, symbolizing your trust in the universe’s ability to support and manifest your desires.
– Visualize these intentions as already fulfilled, allowing yourself to bask in the feelings of joy, gratitude, and accomplishment.


Image by Kirill from Pixabay

The Moon & Your Mum – Part 1 of 12

woman reclines on stone seat with the moon shining brightly in the night skyThe Moon in the First House of your birth chart, suggests that your mother has played a significant role in shaping your identity and how you present yourself to the world.  Her influence radiates through your entire being, leaving an indelible mark on your personality and physical appearance.

The First House represents the self, the physical body, and how we appear to others. If your Moon is here, probably people say that they can ‘read you like a book’, as your face and body language often reveal the ebb and flow of your feelings.

Your mother’s influence is woven into the fabric of your being, shaping your emotional responses, behaviours, and beliefs. You probably carry her nurturing qualities and intuitive nature, projecting a sense of empathy and sensitivity to the world.

In addition, it’s likely that you’re highly attuned to the emotional needs of others, with an instinctive ability to pick up on the subtlest cues and nuances in people’s feelings.  You may find fulfilment in caring for and nourishing those around you.

On a physical level, the Moon in the First House may manifest as a softness or roundness to your features, giving you a gentle and approachable demeanour.

However, the Moon’s presence in the First House can also make you more susceptible to mood swings and emotional fluctuations. It’s important that you honour your emotional needs and know how to create a sense of emotional stability within yourself.

It goes without saying that the Moon’s placement in the first house is just one aspect of your birth chart, and there are many other factors that contribute to your unique personality and life experiences.
Accepting the influence of the Moon in the First House can help you understand and appreciate the profound impact of your mother’s role in shaping your identity, while also empowering you to express your true self to the world.

If you’d like to work with me in a way that honours your Moon, consider joining my online New Moon Gatherings, or even a Triple Moon Transformation
Or, book for a 15-minute Zoom or Messenger call to talk through your options, just here.

Image by Enrique Meseguer on Pixabay

Rituals for the Sagittarius Full Moon

Each Full Moon offers us a chance to release things standing in the way of our dreams and intentions.
Enjoy this selection of different Release rituals, all of them specific to this month’s Sagittarius Full Moon.

Ritual of Vision and Expansion

Under the expansive energy of the Sagittarius Full Moon, embark on a ritual of vision and expansion. Find a sacred spot under the night sky, light a candle, and close your eyes.
Visualize your intentions – the ones you set at New Moon.
Imagine your life as it will be when they are fulfilled – feel the thrill of adventure coursing through your veins.
Write down your visions, letting the ink flow freely onto the pages of your journal.

Really feel all the feels, and decide what needs to be released from your life for these things to happen.
Things to release can include your beliefs, expectations and even relationships. You’ll know what they are.  Write each one on a dried bay leaf.
Conclude your Vision and Expansion ritual by taking the leaves one at a time, reading aloud what you have written on them, then burning them in a safe container.

Sit quietly for a few minutes before returning inside.


Ritual of Truth and Authenticity

The Sagittarius Full Moon invites us to embrace our truth and live authentically.

Begin this ritual by creating a sacred space with candles, crystals, and any objects that hold personal significance. Take your time over this; there’s no rush.
I like to have one thing from each of the four elements (Fire, Earth, Air and Water) in my sacred space, but the important thing is to use what’s significant for you.

Take a moment to connect with your inner self through meditation or deep breathing.
Reflect upon your beliefs, values, and passions, then ask yourself, “Am I living in alignment with my authentic self?”
Write a letter to yourself, acknowledging your true essence and committing to honour your uniqueness.
Read the letter aloud, feel the weight of societal expectations lifting, allowing your authentic self to shine brightly.
Decide what expectations you’re letting go of, and write each one on a dried bay leaf.
Conclude your Truth and Authenticity ritual by taking the leaves one at a time, reading aloud what you have written on them, then burning them in a safe container.

Sit quietly for a few minutes before leaving your sacred space.


Ritual of Gratitude and Adventure

Gratitude opens the doors to abundance, and the Sagittarius Full Moon encourages us to embrace the adventure of life with gratitude in our hearts.

Begin this ritual by immersing yourself in the outdoors, allowing the expansive energy of Sagittarius to awaken your senses.
As you soak in the beauty of your surroundings, reflect on all the blessings already in your life, as well as the blessings yet to come as your New Moon intentions materialise.

Return home and create a gratitude altar, adorned with symbols of your adventures, cherished mementos, and handwritten notes of gratitude. Each day over the next week and a half, add to your altar and express heartfelt thanks for the experiences and people who have enriched your journey so far, and those already on their way.