Create your own Vibrant Vision Board – Master Class

Don’t you get frustrated when you see a great workshop but you have something else on that same day, or you just live way too far away to get there?

This is my way round that problem.

I’ve taken my ‘Postcards from Your Soul’ day and broken it down into four separate master classes.

“Create Your Own Vibrant Vision Board” is the first master class.

Your vision board is a visual masterpiece to guide and inspire you for the remainder of the year.
Learn how to infuse it with your intentions and activate its energy for maximum success.

Tips and techniques include –

choosing an appropriate board;

what to use instead of glue (and why);

the right reasons behind choosing your images;

the layout of your board;

and four different ways to activate your board so that its energy and purpose are always within reach.

Join us on Wednesday, August 9th at 9.30 am (NZST), via Zoom.
The Zoom link will be emailed to you before the Master Class begins, and a replay will be available.
Price: $44 NZD

Click here to sign up via Pay Pal.

(Contact me if you have a NZ bank account, and prefer to use Direct Credit.)


Why are Women finding it so Hard to Honour their Needs and Plans?

Why are we women so reluctant to put ourselves first – why do we find it so hard?

Are we frightened of losing approval, I wonder; frightened of the possible results and our ability (or inability) to handle them….. I don’t know.

But I do know that our daughters are watching us do this, learning from it, and will do the same themselves as they grow up.
And our sons? 
Yes, they’re watching too, and you can bet your bottom dollar that what they see in us is what they’ll look for in a partner.  

And how do you tell the difference between an excuse and a reason, anyway – and what’s more, is that even important?
(Hint – Yes! It is! And I tell you how to spot the difference.)

I feel so strongly about this right now that I’ve recorded a 15-minute video.

Easy and Effective Full Moon Release Ritual

Firelighters, bay leaves and marker pen used in the Release ritual.In your quest for an easy, effective Full Moon release ritual, you can’t go past this one.

Because it’s so basic, you can easily add as much more dance, crystals, chanting, etc, as suits you.

Here it is.

On a dried bay leaf, write what it is you’re ready to release.

Light a candle or fire starter in a fire-proof container.

Read your intention out loud, and remember to say when you expect it will happen by.  You can also say something like “It is done” three times.

Then drop the leaf into the flame within its container.

For safety’s sake, stay and watch the leaf burn away away completely.

These final two parts are crucial to your success with this.
★ Act as if the release has actually happened, and
★ take some action anway, towards its successful completion.